Monday, June 24, 2024

Chapter 3 Two families

《 全家偷听我心声杀疯了,我负责吃奶 》

Listening to my thoughts made the whole family go crazy, now all I need to do is eat.


Chapter 3 Two families

After being stunned for some time, Xu recovered her senses.

Juexia smiled. "Our young master has grown up. The master will be delighted to know."

Madame and the master are deeply in love.

Their only regret is the three useless children.

Xu's mouth had a hint of bitterness.

Yingxue looked at Juexia coldly. The master was nowhere to be seen, but Madame sat there all day. It was evident that Madame was uncomfortable.

While speaking, she heard a report outside.

"Miss Dengzhi has returned, Madame."

Xu sat upright.

Dengzhi looked gloomy and ugly. The two maids bolted. "Go stand guard at the door."

As the door closed, Xu's face also fell.

Dengzhi fell to the ground with a clang.

Almost gritting her teeth, Dengzhi said, "Madam is so good at predicting things. In Qingyu Lane..." Dengzhi's eyes were red. She almost went mad watching the scene.

The master was just helping a tightly wrapped woman into the carriage when she arrived. A newborn was in her arms.

She was almost in tears.

[Oh, I didn't die from strangulation. Both women were taken into custody during the arrests. They shifted positions to avoid an accident.]

She heard this clearly.

Xu breathed deeply and suppressed her shock.

The paleness of her face made her ask herself, "Did you see it clearly? Marquis. Is that really... Marquis?"? Her teeth almost gritted.

In tears, Dengzhi said: "I heard her call Lu Lang."

Taking a deep breath, Dengzhi explained how she had pretended to rent a house. They have lived here for many years, according to the neighbors. They call each other spouses.

"The family was very affectionate. Lord Lu bought gifts and personally visited each family, asking them to care for her."

It looked like someone had cut Xu's heart.

"Madam..." Dengzhi couldn't help looking at her. It was like she was struck by lightning, let alone Madam?

[Mother, don't cry for the scumbag. I'm sorry for her.] The little guy whispered. Scumbag must be blind, she's such a beautiful mom.

In a faint voice, Xu asked, "What is her name?"

A sense of despair pervaded.

"My understanding is that her last name is Pei. Marquis often refers to her as Jiaojiao. Maybe it's her nickname."

A glimmer of hope vanished with Xu.


During the Mid-Autumn Festival a few years ago, Marquis drank a bit more and called Jiaojiao during his dream.

Xu detected a sweet taste in her mouth. Trust and love were shattered.

Leaning against the bed, Xu shed tears.

It took her a while to comprehend the baby's soft, tender voice.

[Don't cry, mom. Your mother's house has the current emperor's horoscope under a crooked tree.]

Having no ability to speak was the only thing she hated about herself. During the investigation, treasonous items were discovered in the crooked tree belonging to the Xu family. The eldest uncle took the blame and was beheaded.

The Xu family also began to decline at this point.

Hearing the horoscope made Xu numb.

Despite her father and brother's disagreements, she married Xu.

Due to Lu Yuanze's dislike, she deliberately distanced herself from her mother's family.

She was afraid of upsetting Lu Yuanze.

Nevertheless, she did not want to harm her mother's family.

Her attention was drawn to the little girl for a long time, and she sat up straight.

There is a strong dislike of witchcraft among the current emperor. In the event that it is found in the Xu family...

Xu could not analyze the issue due to lack of time.

She waved Dengzhi forward and whispered to her.

She said, "I would like to eat the ginseng soup that my mother prepared while I was in confinement. You dig it up secretly." She felt her eyes flash with struggle.

Xu replied, "No, wait." after struggling to get up.

In October, she was already sweating.

A Buddhist scripture was taken from the highest cabinet. Buddhist scriptures were copied by her. Originally, it was to celebrate her mother-in-law's birthday.

In spite of the discomfort, she bit her finger and continued to write.

"After the blood letter has dried, remove the items under the tree and place the blood letter inside. Do not let anyone know what happened. Take the items out and return home."

Xu's solemn expression made Dengzhi reluctant to be careless, and she hurried out immediately.

It was a sleepless night for Xu.

At dawn.

The tired Lord Lu hurried back home.

When he entered the room, Lu Yuanze apologized to Yunniang.

"Last night, there was a significant case in court. I could not return on time. Yunniang had been wronged." Lu Yuanze apologized right away. It was so familiar to see such things.

He used to be comforted by Xu whenever he confessed to making mistakes like these by telling him the importance of government affairs.

But now...

Lu Yuanze caught her attention. Even though he was thirty-four years old, Lu Yuanze looked more elegant and temperamental than before.

His guilt and expression in his eyes drowned her.

[He seems decent. One can see why he has been holding people up for so long.] Lu Chaochao could not help but rant.

This is our only daughter, come hug daddy..." Lu Yuanze asked.

Xu's eyes were cold, the only daughter?

He frowned slightly and replied, "Yes, she is the only Lu daughter.".

"The eyebrows are like yours, and the mouth is like mine." Lu Yuanze's eyes flashed with displeasure.

There is no denying that this child is very attractive.

"It's good to see you embracing this one now, after not hugging the first three."

"A son cannot be spoilt. A daughter, however, can."

Lu Yuanze has served in officialdom for more than ten years.

In contrast to his colleagues, he is thin, elegant, and full of momentum, which makes him stand out.

Women in the capital have always been drawn to him.

The self-discipline and clean appearance made him popular in Beijing.

[My beautiful mother, he lied again. My brothers were also lied to...] She murmured, and Xu could not understand her.

Her three sons immediately worried her.

Does he do anything to her sons?

She felt tingling on her scalp.

A sudden clarity came over Xu.

Changing his mind was just a matter of thinking. Are there any secrets here?

In Lu Yuanze's meticulous nature, her abnormality went unnoticed. Having deceived others for so many years, he didn't need another reason.

A random utterance convinced her.

"Have you chosen a name yet?" Xu asked.

It was evident that Lu Yuanze was stunned.

Lu Yuanze was in a daze when he heard the servant say, "The master is very concerned about the wife's pregnancy. He has been thinking about the child's name all night.".

"The master reads the entire Book of Songs."

Darkness darkened Lu Yuanze's face as he scolded him.

He noticed that the master's face was extremely gloomy, as if he was awaiting a storm. Throughout the last three days, the master had been searching for a name.

Seeing the fear in Xu's eyes, Lu Yuanze shook his head, "I was planning to give you a surprise, but he exposed it."