Monday, June 24, 2024

Chapter 2 Getting rid of the whole family

《 全家偷听我心声杀疯了,我负责吃奶 》

Listening to my thoughts made the whole family go crazy, now all I need to do is eat.


Chapter 2 Getting rid of the whole family

In a state of confusion, Xu looked dazed.

She did not have the time to listen carefully to the affair due to the fact that her daughter was a young child with an inaccurate viewpoint and an erratic mental process.

Her best was to extract useful information.

Today's events nearly threw all of her perceptions into disarray.

After her daughter was strangled, she heard her voice...

Her husband eagerly awaited his maiden's birth...

Xu was panicked.

During the ten years since her marriage, she has not had a disagreement with the Lus.

She once thought she married the best man in the world.

Only now did she learn he had a concubine, and she resisted.

What if her husband, who treated her like a treasure, was actually deceiving her?

When Dengzhi noticed she is shaking, she asked, "Madam, what is wrong? Do you feel cold?"

The windows and doors were closed, and not a breath of air was coming in.

With trembling lips, Xu told the wet nurse to feed the child.

Three wet nurses had been prepared in advance.

What was surprising was how the child opened her eyes and glanced, followed immediately by vomiting.

Coughing and spitting.

Frightened, the nurses knelt on the ground.

Wet nurse broke out in a cold sweat as she explained why the young lady wasn't drinking milk.

She vomited milk out and refused to drink it.

Woo woo woo [Cough cough, goat milk and cow milk, I don't want human milk...] Lu Chaochao cried, her eyes dry.

"Why don't you try goat milk and cow milk?" Xu tentatively suggested. Goat milk is always available in the mansion, and it tastes good after the fishy smell has been removed.

Dengzhi ordered the meal.

Soon after, the child was taken to the compartment.

During her meal, the young lady consumed more than ten spoonfuls of the beverage while dozing back.

She was now asleep.

Xu sighed in relief.

Once again, the child was confined to her bedroom for her safety.

A yawn could be heard from Lu Chaochao.

A terrible tragedy had befallen her despite being a baby.

Sleepy at this point. Sleep took over after she spit out a few bubbles and mumbled.

"Dengzhi, you have always been my only dependable friend." Xu sat in front of the bed, her expression enigmatic.

It was not something she wanted to do.

Her daughter's voice today gave her some courage.

Dengzhi's voice was uneasy as she asked, "Madam, what is wrong with you?"

Her relationship with the madam was special as she was her dowry maid.

"I'd like you to find two trustworthy people and go to Qingyu Lane," Xu said.

Her strength almost ran out as Xu spoke the words, "Go to Qingyu Lane and see if Master is there.".

A beat skipped within Dengzhi.

Opening the door, she looked around, then said, "Juexia, Yingxue, stand three steps back from the door." She brought these people as dowry and held their indentures.


Dengzhi hurriedly approached the lady and asked: "Why would the lady doubt the master? Is there... something unusual?" Dengzhi was slightly concerned.

Almost all of the lady's attention has been focused on the Lu family for many years.

Half her life is defined by her master.

Her eyes were filled with uneasiness as she shook her head slowly and muttered to herself: "Don't make a fuss, don't announce it."

Xu gripped tightly to the corner of her clothes.

She called for help, knowing this was not a small matter, and decided to disguise herself and investigate personally.

After telling someone to serve the lady, she hurried out.

In the evening, Lu Yuanze did not arrive.

Her heart grew cold.

A cheer erupted from outside, and a little boy burst into the room shouting, "Mother. Mother, where is my sister?"

"Third young master, don't wake up the young lady." Juexia pulled him from the ground. Lu Yuanxiao, the couple's third son, is eight years old now.

In keeping with his name, he was born at the Lantern Festival, so he is chubby.

His bad temper, dislike of studying, and enjoyment of eating and drinking are known.

Often, the brave and loyal marquis would scold him for his indiscretions.

Lu Yuanxiao huddled his lips and asked: "Where is my sister?"

A smile spread across Yingxue's face as she pointed to the cradle in the compartment.

Lips pursed.

He is devoted to his mother despite being only eight years old.

As Xu's smile spread across her face, he asked, "Why do you look so bad?"

"I'm pretty tired today, but I'll be fine if I rest well."

"Why did you return so early?"

Xu frowned as she asked, "Did you skip class again?"

Yuanxiao is protected by his grandmother and doesn't get beaten by his father.

Yuanxiao dislikes reading, but he was punished for it.

The veins on Xu's forehead throbbed.

As Xu spoke, she still had a glimmer of hope in her heart. "Yuanxiao, become smarter. Maybe your father will love you more..."

Lu Yuanxiao sighed and replied, "I won't read books even if I die! Reading books will never be possible for me!"

Xu sighed softly.

Lu Yuanxiao walked all the way to the compartment, lying on the bed next to Lu Chaochao.

Lu Chuchao was shocked.

[Oh, it's my resentful third brother]

[He looks chubby and cute. ]

Lu Yuanxiao was stunned.

Since Xu was far away and the child was young, she couldn't hear her.

He touched his nose in surprise to discover that only his sister was in front of him.

Oh, I see he's the chosen one.

It sounded like his sister was speaking!

Lu Yuanxiao was delighted.

[It must be miserable for you, my third brother.]

[Early on, he was maliciously guided, deliberately spoiled, and disliked studying... His scumbag father disliked him, and he brought shame to the mansion. In spite of his obvious lineage, he cannot read a word, making him embarrassment to the city.]

[Obviously, the third brother did not have much intelligence. It's no wonder he died in such a miserable way...]

Is my death miserably over?

[Among the injuries he suffered were the removal of his tongue, the removal of his ears, the removal of his mouth and nose, and the removal of his limbs. ]

Three of Lu Chaochao's brothers have died more miserably than his other two brothers.

Seeing him, Lu Chaochao glanced away.

[His stupidity since childhood led to his death.]

An ear-piercing roar erupted from Lu Yuanxiao.

After returning to her senses, Xu looked at her son and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I want to go to my room," Lu Yuanxiao stammered.

In Xu's puzzled eyes, tears poured down his cheeks as he said: "I wish to return to school, I will go back to school and read all the books thoroughly."

I'm so miserable, I'm so miserable! Woo woo woo woo!

The little fat boy fled in a cry.